We invite poster abstract submissions for presentation at the evening poster session on Tuesday 2nd July. Abstracts should be in the area of computational approaches to neuroscience.
Submissions from PhD and postdoctoral researchers will be eligible for talks in the main programme (see below).
Submissions are via EasyChair (account required). Each submission will need:
author list with affiliations;
the presenting author’s email address;
summary of work (maximum 300 words; text only).
Consider for talk? (Y/N)
Selection process
All abstracts will be considered by the programme committee. Reviewers will be blinded to author names.
Four abstracts will be selected for a talk in the main programme. Please indicate in your submission if you would like your abstract to be considered for a talk.
Opens: 19th February 2019
Closes: May 10th 2019
Decision: May 24th 2019
Poster format
Maximum poster size is A0 portrait.
That's A0 portrait.